Janet Feder | Songs With Words | LP


SKU: JF101LP Categories: , Tag:


Songs with Words sounds like an ordinary title for an album, but it’s far more unusual than that. The sound quality is immense; the album was recorded by 15 microphones that were placed completely around Janet as she performed. Her prepared guitar, which will remind you of Arvo Part’s prepared piano works with their slightly alien, percussive tones, was recorded live along with her vocals and piano. She achieves these otherwordly sounds by placing small metal rings–the same as you’d find on a key ring–on the strings as she plays. Other additional effects were added later using ‘analog plates, reverbs and tape-based manipulations.’ The liner notes state, in bold type, that ‘There are no digital effects in this recording.’ Everything was recorded on the largest SONOMA system in the world–32 tracks of surround sound. That’s why Songs with Words sounds so huge and intimate at the same time. – Vinyl Anachronist

Additional information

Weight 0.45 lbs